Category: Friends

  • To and From the City of Angels

    So I just got back from a short work/vacation trip to Los Angeles.  Needless to say, it was a much needed trip and getaway, as it’s been just a tad dreary and gray in Vancouver this summer (although there is blue sky outside right now…but I’m busy updating my blog!). I went down to LA…

  • Back to life, back to reality…

    So the last week or so has been busy with the ending of my Banff residency and readjusting to life back in Vancouver.  I won’t be back in the studio until next week but I’m raring to go with lots of ideas brewing in my head.  Banff definitely gave me a creative boost, and I…

  • The Painted Lovers – Part II

    Happy Belated Valentine’s Day! Here are some photos of the painted lovers, completed. The piece measures 30″ x 15″ x 1.5″ *** Last night, the artists from the Love residency got together for a project that I started a week ago.  Basically, we were writing a Harlequin Romance novel, Exquisite Corpse style, where each person…

  • Misadventures on Ice!

    So this past week has been a very busy week here in Banff.  There was a lot going on, with studio visits, artist talks, and injured knees… Last weekend, the Banff Centre organized a little day trip to Lake Louise to see the Ice Festival.  We were going to go see magical ice sculptures, an…

  • Sunday Dinners, Love & Ashley Neese

    Every Sunday of the What’s Love Got To Do With It? residency, the lead artist Ashley Neese is making a home cooked meal for all of us.  Lucky us!  This was what she made last Sunday: Vegan carrot and coconut soup, spinach salad, gluten-free corn bread. Ashley Neese is a multidisciplinary artist from Atlanta, Georgia,…