Tag: In the studio
Mother / Mother
Mother – Part 1 2016 was a quiet art year for me with lots going on in life. The first half of the year started out normally, working on different paintings and exploring new themes, but things changed in late spring. I found myself thinking a lot about motherhood, and what it meant as an…
A Summer of Pastel Colours & Green Mountains
I’m back from my stay in Salzburg, Austria, where I was at the Summer Academy for three weeks. Each residency experience I’ve had has been unique, and this time abroad was no different. For all the positive things about being away in a new environment to create art, without the distractions of daily life at home, there…
Spring Cleaning
Once again, I’m sitting here looking outside my window at a street full of magnolia blooms and a sunny blue sky. It’s already spring. The sun is out, and Vancouverites are already in their shorts and sandals. This quick turn of seasons was a good reminder to myself that I need to update my blog…
Nose to the Grindstone
It seems fitting that as soon as I’ve finished working in the studio on my Of Myth and Men paintings, the sunshine has come out and spring is fully here in Vancouver. It actually feels a bit like summer – it’s so warm! I’m thankful that I’ve finished just in time to catch a bit of sunshine…
Sun, Snow & Studio Visits Galore
January was unexpectedly busy but in a good way. Two short weekend trips to California, for some much needed sun, helped prep me for a rush of studio visits at the end of last month. Going from a weekend of snow to a weekend of sun was quite the turn of events. This year is…