Tag: press
Press: Vancouver is Awesome
My work is currently in Now & Then, a group show at Pendulum Gallery, until July 10. Sunshine Frere has written about the show for Vancouver is Awesome. Read the article here.
Press: Ricepaper Magazine
My painting, Liger, Liger (Chimera), from my recent exhibition Of Myth and Men, is featured on the cover of Ricepaper magazine. Ricepaper magazine is a Canadian magazine which has showcased Asian Canadian literature, culture, and the arts since 1994. Ricepaper is a quarterly magazine that is distributed coast-to-coast, publishing the new voices coming out of the Asian Canadian arts and literary community. Ricepaper continues to be the…
Press: Canadian Art
My solo exhibition, Of Myth and Men, at Initial Gallery, has been chosen as one of this week’s must-sees by Canadian Art online.
Press: WE Vancouver, Vancouver Courier & Vancouver Sun
Of Myth and Men has been selected by the Vancouver Courier and the Vancouver Sun as must-sees this week. I was also interviewed by Kelsey Klassen in WE Vancouver. The full interview can be read here.
Press: The Georgia Straight
My upcoming solo exhibition Of Myth and Men, at Initial Gallery, has been mentioned in the June 12, 2014 edition of The Georgia Straight. Highlighted in the Arts section as a must-see event in the Summer in the City issue, Janet Smith writes, “We can’t wait to see rising Vancouver painter Roselina Hung’s Of Myth and Men show at the…
Press: Inside Vancouver
Inside Vancouver’s Shawn Conner has written about my exhibition Of Myth and Men, which opens next Thursday, June 19th, at Initial Gallery. Conner writes, “For her new series Of Myth and Men, [Roselina Hung] draws on her own personal history by inserting herself into scenes evoking Greek myth and even the Old Testament. Joining Hung in the paintings are other…
Press: University of the Arts London – Canada
I was interviewed by the University of Arts London – Canada Office as a former student of Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design. Charlotte Phillips of UAL Canada visited me in my studio and interviewed me about my work and experiences in London. The full interview can be read on here: Portrait of…
Press: Vancouver Magazine
My painting, Mom & Dad 4, is featured in November’s issue of Vancouver Magazine. As part of the Personal Space series, the article “A Life Reframed” is about Frank and Liz Malinka, who are photographed mimicking my painting in the background. A series of photos in the two page spread show a selection of their local and international…
Press: Vancouver Is Awesome’s THE OPENING
I’ve been interviewed by Vancouver Is Awesome’s THE OPENING, a blog feature that looks at Vancouver’s visual arts. Every week, they interview an artist, write about an exhibition, and cover other going ons in the Vancouver art scene. A big thanks to Wil Aballe Art Projects and Alex Quicho for making this happen. The…
Press: Canadian Art
The launch of my print Love Is Touching Souls, at Wil Aballe Art Projects, has been chosen as one of this week’s must-sees by Canadian Art online.
Press: The Georgia Straight (review)
My paintings are mentioned in a review of the group exhibition at the Surrey Art Gallery, Scenes of Selves, Occasions for Ruses. The review, by Robin Laurence, is in the September 27, 2012 edition of The Georgia Straight. Laurence writes, “Hung uses both personal snapshots and art-historical portraiture as source material for small, highly realistic oil…
Press: Portrait Magazine
My painting Coda: Self-Portrait in the Studio, which is currently on tour as part of the Kingston Prize, has been featured in the Feb/May 2012 issue of PORTRAIT: Magazine of Australian & International Portraiture, a quarterly journal published by the National Portrait Gallery of Australia. My painting was selected by the magazine for the Kingston Prize…
Press: VanRagazine
I have a Q&A interview in VanRagazine’s January 2010 Art Issue. The full interview can be read on my blog. Click below on the thumbnail for a larger scanned picture to open in a new window.
Press: The Georgia Straight, Vancouver Sun
The Eastside Culture Crawl took place this past weekend, and I found myself in the press surrounding the buzz around this year’s Crawl. I am currently featured on the cover of The Georgia Straight along with an interview and article inside. You can read the full article online here. My painting The Return Home was also featured in November 19th’s…
13th Annual Eastside Culture Crawl
I will be opening my studio to the public as part of the 13th Annual Eastside Culture Crawl. Come meet me in my work space, which will showcase a mix of newer and older works. I have also been interviewed by The Georgia Straight, which is sponsoring the Crawl this year, as part of the special Eastside…
Press: The Province
The Way We Were is now open at the Pendulum Gallery, and I have updated my website with a new gallery page – The Way We Were – showcasing all of the work in this exhibition. A short video of the exhibition space is also available for viewing online on my blog. I will be updating my…