Exhibition: Scenes of Selves, Occasions for Ruses

I will be exhibiting a selection of my self-portrait paintings at the Surrey Art Gallery, as part of a group exhibition. Curated by Jordan Strom, this exhibition will examine self-representation in relations to the idea of the archive at the beginning of the twenty-first century.  I will be showing alongside artists Jim Andrews, Eryne Donahue, David Horvitz, Suzy Lake, Elizabeth Milton, Carol Sawyer, Carrie Walker, Pushpamala N and Clare Arni.

Scenes of Selves, Occasions for Ruses

Surrey Art Gallery
13750 – 88 Avenue
Surrey, British Columbia

September 15 – December 16, 2012
Opening: Saturday, September 15, 2012 from 7:30-9:30pm

For more information on the exhibition, please visit the Surrey Art Gallery website.