I unexpectedly lost my father shortly after reconnecting with him in person following years of separation due to COVID-19. His sudden death compelled me to seek out old family photographs and I stumbled upon a collection of images from past vacations.
These photos depicted only locations, devoid of people. Initially, I attributed them to my father, our designated family photographer. However, upon showing them to my mother, she asserted that she had been the one behind the camera. She had taken these photos because she enjoyed the views encountered during our trips. Even after she told me this, I had a hard time re-remembering that my father did not take them. I had previously overlooked the significance of these pictures. I transformed them into small, quick watercolour and gouache paintings, elevating their importance and preserving them in my memory. Through this process, I was looking through the lens that my mother (or father?) had looked in all those years ago, taking a snapshot, capturing memories for their children.
Now, as a parent myself and with the passing of my father, I contemplate how we create and leave behind visual imprints for future generations. My previous work focused on personal history, memories and nostalgia. However, as I enter this distinct phase of my life, I am exploring how I am shaping the perspectives and experiences of my own child, contrasting my previous role as the primary subject reminiscing on the past.