Tag: new york
Spring Cleaning
Once again, I’m sitting here looking outside my window at a street full of magnolia blooms and a sunny blue sky. It’s already spring. The sun is out, and Vancouverites are already in their shorts and sandals. This quick turn of seasons was a good reminder to myself that I need to update my blog…
Around the World in 21 Days: Part One
Happy New Year! It’s hard to believe that it’s already 2015. You may have noticed it got a little quiet toward the end of last year on my blog. I ended the year on a big whirlwind trip around the world…in 21 days. Earlier last spring, an amazing (unbelievable!) flight deal came up that my…
Gawker Artists & Elle.com
Gawker Artists partnered with Jezebel and selected two of my paintings, Mash Up Girl 1 & Mash Up Girl 2, as part of the Jezebel Art Collection, a special online exhibition running prominently in advertising space on ELLE.com I will soon be offering 18″x24″ giclee prints of these two paintings on my website under the…
Photo Diary – New York Pt. 2
New York photo diary continued… MAY 12, 2010 *** MAY 13, 2010 *** MAY 15, 2010 *** MAY 16, 2010 *** Goodbye, New York! See you next time!
Private View night in LES
One of the great things about visiting New York is that it’s the perfect place to meet up with friends from different places. While I was there, I was able to meet up with a few friends that lived in New York whom I met while I was living in London, a friend from Virginia…